Healthy skin is itself a barrier against skin infections. Healthy skin is one, which is neither too oily nor too dry. The former blocks the pores and is responsible for skin infections like acne and blackheads; which finally result in ugly scars. As for dry skin, it loses elasticity and gets wrinkled earlier; and if cracked too, it is more susceptible to infections. Inadequate or improper hydration causes skin to lose its glow. Moreover, as we age, the basic health of our skin takes a toll. The outermost layer of the skin thins out; newer cells develop slowly; dead cells accumulate. This combined with the years of sun-exposure make our skin dull; patchy and pigmented. To add to this, poor blood circulation means poor supply of nutrients to the cells; also resulting in poor health of the skin

Papaya extract is known to be a powerful toner and exfoliating agent for the skin. It contains papain, an extremely beneficial enzyme which helps in removing dead skin cells easily, unclogging the pores, making the skin breathable and adding a kissable glow which lasts longer. After cleansing the pores, papain makes sure your pores are shrunk back so as to not attract impurities. This prevents the formation of white heads or blackheads and keeps acne away. Papain is a powerful skin whitening agent. It treats blemishes, fights a tough sun tan, fades way dark spots and makes the skin visibly clearer and healthier. The extract also contains Vitamins A, C and E. These help in the cell multiplication and promote the rapid cell growth which is needed for damaged skin. Papaya extracts work from beneath the skin's epidermal layer to delay wrinkles, improve the skin's elasticity and catalyze the cell repair process.