Anti-Mullerian Hormone and is one of the ways that we can estimate your ovarian reserve. Ovarian reserve can only be estimated, as we cannot actually count the number of good quality eggs that are in your ovaries.

AMH, along with your day 3 FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) level and your AFC (antral follicle count) gives your doctor an idea of your chances of having a baby. However, it is very important to remember that there is a lot of variability within these tests and that women with low values can still go on to have successful pregnancies.
Research shows that the size of the pool of growing follicles is heavily influenced by the size of the pool of remaining primordial follicles (microscopic follicles in “deep sleep”).
Therefore, by reading the levels of an AMH blood test a fertility doctor can determine the size of the remaining egg supply – or “ovarian reserve.”
With increasing female age, the size of their pool of remaining microscopic follicles decreases. Likewise, their blood AMH levels and the number of ovarian antral follicles visible on ultrasound also decrease.
Women with many small follicles, such as those with polycystic ovaries (PCOS) have high AMH hormone values. Women that have few remaining follicles and those that are close to menopause have low anti-mullerian hormone levels.
AMH levels see the below image

What your AMH levels mean for your egg freezing cycle
As we mentioned above, AMH testing is an invaluable tool for women considering egg freezing (and their doctors). AMH levels are closely correlated with the number of eggs you’ll be able to retrieve in one cycle of egg freezing or IVF.
Here at Extend Fertility, we use a proprietary algorithm based on your AMH level and age to predict—with 90% confidence—how many eggs you’ll be able to freeze in one cycle. Research has determined that while women age 34 or younger are able to freeze, on average, 17 eggs per cycle, that drops to under 10 eggs per cycle for women over 41.
Here are the average AMH Levels which can help you to clarify the doubles on AMH levels:
Over 3.0 ng/ml High (often an indicator PCOS)
Over 1.0 ng/ml Normal
0.7 – 0.9 ng/ml Low normal range
0.3 – 0.6 ng/ml Low
Less than 0.3 ng/ml Very low
AMH Level Test is used to check the follicles inside the female’s ovaries. This is a general blood test that is advised by your doctor when you are facing problems to conceive a pregnancy. You can go for AMH Level Test at Indira IVF center and consult with experts.