Hey! Here are some options, these are amazing for oily skin. You may pick from these considering your age and skin concerns.
Use with your normal night moisture
Bioderma atoderm best best best
I can't understand what are u trying to say.. But if you want vitamin c serum I'd like to say try use any of them
1st step, use clean clothes everyday and change bedcover every 5-6days.
2. Use salicylic acid base body wash..
3.apply salicylic and lactic acid body lotion on ur body..
4.when u shampoo ur hair, after Washing ur hair then use body wash.. It'll prevent acne breakout..
It's take some time, but it works on body n back acne...
I suggest some products base on my experience..
Skip the product for few days
Start skin fasting
Hey, pairing Vitamin C with Niacinamide does work well when used in appropriate quantities, however, you may check out these moisturizers that do not have Niacinamide. Please check if these are suitable for your age, skintype, and concerns.
See both of them works perfectly for combination skin and aqualogica sunscreen can be used both as face cream or sunscreen