Deve Herbes Immunity Booster Essential oil blend increases body immunity. This blend is an ancient formula that soothes with a balanced aroma thats earthy and herbaceous, to help support your immune system when life gets hectic and stressful. It also aromatically lifts your spirits and help support a healthy immune system during times of stress and seasonal threats.
About the Brand: Deve Herbes is a privately owned natural essential oil company specialising in sourcing the finest natural essential oils from authentic manufacturers from around the world. Founded in 2011, Deve Herbes, meaning 'Herbs of God', is now one of the biggest brands of essential oils in India with a wide range of pure essential and carrier oils. It also has highly satisfied customers in more than 100 countries. These oils are natural, pure, undiluted and have a traceable origin. They all have high quality and come with a 100 percent money-back guarantee. Deve Herbes product range also include natural herbs, body butters, floral waters and waxes.
Expiry Date: 15 January 2028
Country of Origin:
Deve Herbes
Deve Herbes A2/92 Janakpuri New Delhi-110058 Deveherbes@Gmail.Com +91 9311112020