Snaps of uber-healthy meals, dumbbells, infused water, glowy skin and loads of bikini selfies. Well you might be fulfilling the #Fitspiration trend, but let’s get real. The pressure behind getting a six-pack ab might actually be thrashing your self-worth. Excessive restriction from eating certain foods might actually contribute to your anxiety and stress, or even acne (yes). So, what does feeling beautiful entail? We say, a balance of a healthy mind and body through self-care. You might find that the gym, aerobics or dancing isn’t for you, and that’s A-okay! We’re here to discuss the magic of yoga, and let you take a call.
Read on to know about the lesser known health benefits of yoga:
“Happy girls are the prettiest”, Audrey Hepburn didn’t just say it for nothing. Be it fatigue, demotivation, anxiety or even emptiness, yoga can make you snap out of any funk you might be in. Simply meditate or indulge in asanas like shav asana or a headstand (it’s going to slowly turn your life upside down, quite literally). To burn calories in the name of fitness is passé. In the changing paradigm where happiness personifies beauty, yoga makes it easier to counteract negative emotions!
Sitting on your desk all day might make you feel like a zombie, maybe look like one too. It’s not doing many favours to your back either. Guess popping a pill isn’t going to make the pain go away! Our suggestion? The Cobra pose. Lie down on your stomach with your palms parallel to your chest. Now straighten your arms and raise the upper body. Make sure to arch your spine with your head back. Breathe in, breathe out. You’re now going to build a back that’s stronger for longer.
Now we’re not saying toss away all your skincare products and hit the mat, but the benefits of yoga for skincare are unbelievably good. A full body experience that targets the mind, body and soul, how could it have not made you feel more beautiful? Just BTW, sweat cleanses pores, cools you down, kills bacteria and makes your skin glow. Sarwangasana - also known as shoulder stand, improves skin texture and promotes blood circulation. Hello, acne and wrinkle free skin!
The most beautiful accessory for that gorgeous gown is confidence. And when feeling good is rooted in outward appearances, how can we ever feel confident enough? A set of breathing exercises, postures and meditation only helps one connect with self. Our fave is the Crow pose! Being upside down (and not falling on your face) can be scary, but works on patience, confidence and trust in self.
What if we tell you yoga offers the benefits of a full body, strength training workout? With all these holistic benefits, one of the by-products is a toned body. A yoga sesh increases the heart rate as much as a two-mile run. Take your pick from the plank pose, cobra pose, boat pose, bridge or wheel pose. It requires absolutely no equipment, you can do it anywhere at no cost at all. Hopping on the mat any time soon?