With a warm cup of steamy ghar ki chai, Makeup Maven Namrata Soni welcomed the Beauty Book team into her stunning Juhu beach home. I had the privilege of asking her 15 questions on anything I wanted. Best part? She didn’t hold back. So, here’s Soni on everything from her 4 a.m. friend to one beauty product she regrets trying. Here goes!
1. The five people you’d like to invite to a dream dinner party?
Meryl Streep, Sonam Kapoor, Gwyneth Paltrow, Helen Mirren and Donald Trump.
2. What is the strangest nickname anyone has ever given you?
People who don’t even know me calling me Namo. I’m like ‘I've just met you, and you’re already calling me Namo? Uh, Okay.’ (Laughs)
3. One fashion tip you’d like to give to millennials.
Being comfortable in your own skin is very important. It’s great to follow trends but follow what suits you, don’t do it just because everyone else is. Red eyeliner might be a trend, but that doesn't mean it’ll work for you.
4. What’s your must-have beauty product?
That’s a tough one. Can I pick two? Sunscreen and Lash curler!
5. What’s your morning beauty ritual?
I wake up and have a shot of Karela juice, it’s great for the liver and a good detox. Followed by a beer glass sized glug of water. Then sunscreen and moisturizer. I never leave the house without applying them. Never!
6. What’s your comfort food?
Butter Chicken, hands down!
7. Three things you can’t live without?
My husband, my coffee and my sisters. I think that’s more than three. Oops!
8. What is last book you read?
Steve Jobs, The Exclusive Biography
9. A track that makes Namrata Soni move?
‘Shape of You’ by Ed Sheeran. Love that song!
10. Your 4 a.m. friend?
Priya, my sister.
11. One beauty product you regret trying?
You really want me to answer that? Mudpacks. They don’t suit me, but I’m a sucker for good packaging. So basically, my biggest regret is spending a lot of money on a mud pack with great packaging that left me with a terrible case of breakouts.
12. What’s the best part about being a makeup artist?
I get to work with the best people, in the best industry, and use the best products. (Smiles)cente
13. Where would we find Namrata Soni on a Saturday night?
With my friends watching Netflix!
14. If you could look back at your body of work, which look would you pick as your favorite?
The Anushka Sharma and Kiran Rao Elle covers. It was so refreshing to do the no-makeup look in an industry where people are obsessed with smoky eyes and red lips! I also love the red carpet looks I created for Sonam at Cannes, another personal favorite
15. The best part about working with Sonam Kapoor?
She loves to experiment and try new things! Plus, the best part is that she has a lot of confidence and faith in me.