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Kama Ayurveda Night Cream – One Night Stand Or Bed Mate For Life?

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kama ayurveda night cream

The hullabaloo around night creams has been on for a while now. We’ve carted a minimum a three different night creams but are nowhere close to commitment. Spoilt for choice? Umm, probably. Also, the fact that our skin’s rehab program is forever on night mode doesn’t make the decision easier.

Good thing, the universe paid heed to my ongoing dilemma. Consider this as a perk of the job, I got to be the guinea pig for the star product of one of the forerunning luxury organic brands in the biz’ – the Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating & Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream. No complaints at all because guess who made a beauty commitment for the next seven lives. It me.

Created with the finest Saffron from Kashmir, this exquisite superstar is targeted at skin pigmentation, dark circles and signs of ageing. Add to that the exemplary antibacterial properties of Indian Madder, Aloe Vera, Vetiver extracts, and Liquorice, and you got all-round skin repairment bottled in a classy glass tub.

Coming back to the task at hand, I have ardently massaged this luxurious Ayurvedic formula deep into my thoroughly cleansed face, every night for the last three weeks.

And here’s my documentation on how life’s better this side of the experiment.

Night One

Apart from the regularity of my CTM routine, nothing else about my beauty regime can particularly say that I’m a skincare junkie. Yep, that’s on me and the laws of inertia. Not that my exceptionally oily skin makes cream-ing myself any easier. Blame it on my very passionate sebaceous glands, no formula (no matter how lightweight they may claim to be) lasts for more than ten minutes on my oil-slick-of-a-face. So, imagine my delight when my skin lapped up this emollient, creamy formula in less than a minute! Cue for you to chuck creams that stain your pretty pillowcase, duh.

End Of Week 1

Seven days down, the tub now snuggles close by, on my bedside table instead of the usual skincare shelf. My holiday tan, that I tried hard to scrub off for the longest time, is finally a thing of the past. My morning skin feels fresher and plumper. I know nothing of the usual greasy residue that my friends complain of, my morning mirror face shows a healthy matte finish. But maybe all that’s just in my head ’cause I’m still waiting for an external source of validation. Ah, the gift of insecurity.

End Of Week 2

The big day finally arrived. On the 10th morning, a colleague used ‘your skin is glowing’ as a conversation starter in the cafeteria. I, of course, waved it off with a nonchalant ‘oh hey thanks’ while my soul did a quick happy dance on the inside. The mild Ayurvedic fragrance has also started growing on me so that’s a bonus. Also, I still haven’t broken out which is an achievement, considering the lack of acceptance my sensitive skin has towards new formulas.

End Of Week 3

Currently spending every minute thanking the Kama Gods because my skin has never looked this radiant (not talking about the hugely highlighted days lol). My social life’s a little less dependent on makeup concealers because those in-your-face dark circles are on their way out. Very blatant pores have visibly reduced in appearance and my skin feels damn supple, especially in the mornings. Recommended this bottle of goodness to the same colleague and it worked wonders on her parched skin too.

Final Verdict:

Slightly heavy of the pocket but worth every penny! And if you fall in love with it a little too much, indulge in some extra TLC with the Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid before following it up with the night cream. Final step, slip into your sleep jammies and call it a night.

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