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How To Reduce Belly Fat With Planks And Crunches

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Looking to spice up your plank and crunch game? Here are five types of planks and crunches each to try as you embark on the journey of reducing your belly fat.
How To Reduce Belly Fat With Planks And Crunches

Fact: Gyms are too expensive. Also fact: You can’t expect your tummy to magically tone itself. So forget the gym and discipline your abs in the comfort of your home. How? Try planks and crunches which are the two mainstay exercises to reduce belly fat and tone your abs.

The best part is that you’re not really expected to move. Sweet no? What’s even better is that they both have so many variations, you can save yourself from a boring sweat session. But before we see if planks and crunches can reduce belly fat, let’s look at some of the common reasons for belly fat accumulation. Once you have the right reasons under wraps, you can then move on to creating a routine with the right diet and exercise regimen to give yourself a flatter belly.

Reasons For Belly Fat Accumulation

Before we look at how planking or crunching reduces belly fat, let’s look at some common reasons why belly fat accumulation takes place and why all factors play a key role.

1. Diet:

If you ask yourself, can planks reduce belly fat, then yes, but along with that, you also need to follow our lifestyle choices. This is one of the most common reasons for belly fat accumulation. The type of food you eat, the time, the amount, and the order all play a key role in your body mass, digestion, and fat accumulation. According to research, we need to consume 1 gram of protein per kilogram we weigh, but the common Indian diet is more carb and fat-heavy than protein-heavy, making us consume more and unevenly. Research also suggests that consuming heavy, refined carbs, processed sugars, and deep-fried fatty foods takes way too much time to get processed and thus settles at the lowest parts such as your belly, hips, arms, and calves. Improve your diet by increasing fibre, protein, unsaturated fats, natural sugars, and lots of water.

2. Sleep:

Sleep deprivation is another reason that can cause belly fat accumulation. When we rest our body redirects all its energy towards digesting our food and making sure it is well distributed. Lack of proper sleep can trigger hunger hormones which make us eat more than we should thus leading us to gain weight and less muscle.

3. Hormonal Changes:

Women, more than men, experience more belly fat accumulation due to a variety of hormonal changes all their lives. From puberty to menstruation, from PMSing to menopause, a woman’s body goes through a lot and more often than not, the body tends to store all the excess fats around the belly area to make sure women are never short of energy.

4. Alcohol & Smoking:

Apart from natural reasons such as age, genetics, food, lifestyle, and hormones, factors such as drinking excessively and smoking regularly can also have adverse effects when it comes to belly fat accumulation. Our metabolism slows, and there is a risk of abdominal obesity along with an accumulation of visceral fat that is hard to get rid of.


Plank is a core exercise that works for major muscle groups in your body to build strength and endurance. It basically works your abs, obliques, shoulders, back, chest, hips, and buttocks. Plank is more forgiving than a push-up which requires you to move your body weight up and down. However, the plank can be strenuous and requires diligent practice to do it effortlessly.

Benefits of Planks

  • Planks strengthen bones and joints
  • They strengthen abdominal muscles and help tone abs
  • They help improve body flexibility and balance
  • They increase your body’s metabolic rate

Types of Planks

Here’s a lowdown on the five variations of plank exercise for belly fat.

1. Side plank

Step 1: Lay on your right side with your right forearm resting on the floor and your elbow directly under your shoulder.

Step 2: Ensure both your legs are extended with the right foot stacked above the left foot.

Step 3: Contracting your abs, raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet.

Step 4: Place your left hand on the side of your hips and hold the pose for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly extend your right forearm and return to the original position. Keep switching sides and do 10 repetitions on each side.

Pro Tip: To maintain the position for longer, ensure you’re balancing on the side of your foot rather than the sole.

2. Reverse plank

Step 1: Lie with your back on the floor and arms extended beside your hips with the palms facing up.

Step 2: With your palms pressed against the floor, slowly lift your body until it forms a straight line from head to toe.

Step 3: As you contract your abs, make an effort to keep your arms and legs straight.

Step 4: Hold this pose for 30 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly lower your body and extend your arms to return to the original position. Do 20 repetitions.

Pro Tip: Press the soles of your feet on the floor while keeping your legs straight and firm.

3. Plank jack

Step 1: Lie on the plank position with your hands extended under your shoulders and your feet together. Ensure your body is in a straight line from your head to your toes.

Step 2: Contracting your abs, jump and simultaneously spread your feet apart.

Step 3: Quickly return to your plank position by jumping and bringing your feet back together.

Step 4: Make an effort to ensure your arms remain steady in place and your back doesn’t arch during the movement.

Step 5: Keep doing this for 60 seconds and then relax.

Pro Tip: If you want to modify and make it less intense, you can simply slide your feet apart instead of jumping each time.

4. Plank with shoulder taps

Step 1: Lie on the plank position with your hands extended under your shoulders and your feet together. Ensure your body is in a straight line from your head to your toes.

Step 2: Compress your abs and without swaying your body, lift your right arm off the floor.

Step 3: Move the right arm, bent at the elbow, diagonally across to touch your left shoulder.

Step 4: Bring the right arm back down to place the palm on the floor.Step 5: Keep alternating sides and do 20 repetitions.

Pro Tip: While lifting your one arm off the floor, don’t let your hips droop.

5. Mountain climbing plank

Step 1: Lie on the plank position with your hands extended under your shoulders and your feet together. Ensure your body is in a straight line from your head to your toes.

Step 2: Draw your hands slightly apart and contract your abs.

Step 3: Pull your right knee toward your chest without elevating your hips. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.

Step 4: Extend your right leg backwards to return to the original position.

Step 5: Repeat with the left knee. Keep alternating legs and do 20 repetitions.

Pro Tip: Extend your arms straight and don’t lock your elbows to avoid injury.

Mistakes To Avoid While Doing Planks

  • Don’t bend or raise your back while planking, it makes it counterproductive for the exercise, and moreover, bad posture can only hurt you more.
  • When you lie on your lower body, your toes should be tucked in for better balance.
  • Don’t lift your head or dip your back, your body should align itself at your shoulders or shoulder-length.
  • If you are just starting with planks, make sure you don’t over-exhaust your body and start with 30-sec planks instead, and slowly increase the time.


Crunch is an abdominal exercise that involves the entire abdomen but mostly works only the abdominal muscles which are a part of your core. So unlike plank, it only targets the abs and doesn’t work on other muscles of your core. This makes crunches a great bodyweight exercise to tone your abs if you’re looking to lose belly fat on priority.

Benefits of Crunches

  • Crunches help build muscles and increase their flexibility
  • They make six-pack abs possible
  • They help strengthen the core which includes lower back muscles and obliques
  • They improve the overall posture

Types of Crunches

Here’s a lowdown on the five variations of crunches exercises to lose belly fat.

1. Bicycle crunch

Step 1: Lie with your lower back pressed against the floor.

Step 2: Place both your arms behind your head with your elbows wide.

Step 3: Tighten your abs and draw your navel toward your spine.

Step 4: Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and slowly bring your knees perpendicular to the floor.

Step 5: Now with your knees still bent, slowly pedal your legs in the air, alternating as though riding a bicycle. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

Pro Tip: Avoid interlocking your fingers behind your head during this ab crunch as it could sprain your neck.

2. Long arm crunch

Step 1: Lie with your back on the floor and take the tabletop position.

Step 2: Extend your arms at the back of your head with the palms facing up.

Step 3: Engaging your abs, contract it to slowly lift your arms off the floor toward the ceiling. Ensure the arms are close to your ears.

Step 4: Simultaneously elevate your head and shoulders up to 45°.

Step 5: Lower your arms back down and return to the original position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps each.

Pro Tip: Ensure the movement of your arms is slow and controlled while keeping it alongside your head throughout the crunch.

3. Side crunch

Step 1: Lie with your back on the floor and take the tabletop position.

Step 2: Turn your hips to the right side so that your right thigh is resting on the floor. Keep your torso facing up.

Step 3: Now place your left hand behind your head and move your right hand on your right knee.

Step 4: Contract your abs to gradually lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly reverse the steps and return to the original position. Keep alternating sides, performing 30 repetitions on each side.

Pro Tip: To add to the challenge, aim to lift your knees simultaneously as you crunch. side crunches

4. Oblique crunch

Step 1: Lie with your back on the floor and take the tabletop position.

Step 2: Place your hands behind your head with the elbows wide.

Step 3: Tighten your abs to lift your shoulder blades off the floor and slowly turn your body to your right.

Step 4: As you turn, bring your right elbow closer to your left knee. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly turn back and return to your original position. Keep alternating sides, performing 20 repetitions on each side.

Pro Tip: Concentrate on contracting your abs to get the abdominal muscles working.

5. Reverse crunch

Step 1: Lie with your back on the floor and take the tabletop position. Place your hands behind your head with the elbows flared out.

Step 2: Contract your abs to elevate your hips while ensuring the lower back remains on the floor.

Step 3: Draw your knees inward, closer to your chest.

Step 4: Slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor and raise your head without using your hands. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.

Step 5: Gradually lower your shoulder, head and legs to the original position. Do 20 repetitions.

Pro Tip: Keep your abs engaged throughout the exercise and don’t let your lower back arch or lose contact with the floor.

Mistakes To Avoid While Doing Crunches

  • To prevent neck tension, keep your chin gently tucked toward your chest.
  • To raise your upper body, concentrate on engaging your abdominal muscles rather than your shoulder muscles.
  • Keep your shoulders just a few inches off the ground and refrain from jerking.
  • Avoid excessive back arching, and keep your body in contact with the floor.
  • Make sure to inhale as you lower yourself back down, and exhale as you crunch up.

Best Athelisure Essentials

Now that you have your planks and crunches in place, it’s time to look cute while doing exercises. Your belly fat should not come in the way of you slaying, whether you are at the gym or home, workout pictures on Instagram have to slap.

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Parting Thoughts

If you only do crunches to reduce belly fat, then you are only doing half of what is required. To reduce belly fat, engage in planks and crunches, along with a proper diet, a fixed sleeping schedule, stress management, and regular physical activity can help reduce belly fat accumulation. The best part is you can look cute while working out with the best athleisure wear from Nykaa.


  1. Can plank reduce belly fat?

    Yes and no. Plank can reduce belly fat, and they are a great form of exercise that targets belly fat, but along with that, you should also include other exercises such as crunches, squats, and some mixed cardio. Moreover, maintain a healthy, protein-rich diet, a proper sleep schedule, and stress management.

  2. Can crunches reduce belly fat?

    Crunches can reduce belly fat, but you have to have a proper mix of other exercises and a healthy lifestyle to fully reduce belly fat.

  3. What foods should I eat to reduce belly fat?

    To reduce belly fat incorporate foods such as egg whites, green tea, chickpeas, avocado, yoghurt, broccoli, nuts, and salmon. These foods are high in protein and low in saturated fats.

  4. How long does it take to reduce belly fat?

    Even though you can’t reduce belly fat overnight, with the right diet and regular physical activity, you can reduce it in a few weeks and reduce it significantly over a few months.

  5. What exercises burn belly fat?

    Cardio and core training exercises such as planks and crunches help burn belly fat.

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