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5 beauty dos to uplift your mood instantly

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We’ve all have bad days when we felt fat, ugly, unloved, unfulfilled… Whether it’s a bad day at work, a tiff with the boyfriend or the maid not showing up, fret not, there are natural ways to level out your mood. Read on for my tried and tested beauty hacks for going from a state of feeling bummed out to top of the world.
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I can’t sing enough praises for the benefit of exercise. There’s something so empowering and exhilarating to feel your heart pounding in rhythm to your feet. There’s nothing like a toned bod and abs to get over a breakup. Besides, Dopamine, a chemical that plays a role in happiness is released in your brain when you work out. So get out there, run, dance, play and get happy.
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Essential Oils
At the risk of sounding a little artsy, I have to say essential oils are such a wonderful way to start the day/afternoon/evening right. The flag-bearer of aromatherapy, lavender essential oil with its sedating floral fragrance, is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant all rolled in one. Add a splash to your bath water, light a diffuser with a few drops of it or add a little to your massage oil to invigorate your circulatory system, reduce fine lines and fade scars. You can safely use it even if you have oily skin because it actually helps heal acne.
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Serotonin rich foods
Serotonin is the ultimate “feel-good” neurotransmitter that communicates happy messages to your brain. The more serotonin circulates in your blood, the happier you’ll feel. So what can you do to up your serotonin levels? Studies show that eating too little folic acid in your diet can lower levels of serotonin. So take a folate supplement and eat folic acid rich foods such as spinach, edamame, lentils, romaine lettuce, rajma, channa, broccoli, asparagus, orange juice, beets, papaya and tofu.
Bath salts
It feels decadent to sink into a tub of warm water. Think how much better you’d feel if you could throw in a small handful of bath salts? These water soluble, mineral rich salts are easily absorbed by your pores, cleanse and purify skin, improving its radiance and texture. Magnesium combats fatigue and stress, calcium fights water retention while sodium balances out the body’s lymphatic drainage. A 30-minute soak will uplift your mood, ease sore muscles and make you feel wonderful. Try it to believe it!
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Black eyeliner
Your eyes are the first place your feelings show. Sadness, anger, exhaustion….no wonder they say your eyes are the windows to your soul. A swish of black eye liner is all you need. Draw playful flicks, dramatically edgy wings or tightline to hide a sleepless night. There’s something so magically feminine about liner. You’ll feel cheered instantly. Promise!
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