Ever since HBO’s hit television series Euphoria first aired in 2019, it portrayed the dark underbelly of suburban American teen lives. And while the show keeps your eyes glued to the screen for its raw portrayal of modern teenagers, truly transportive performances, plot structure, and breathtaking cinematic visuals—it also garnered mainstream attention for introducing the deliciously addictive world of ‘Emotional Glam’. Makeup director Doniella Davy beautifully captures every emotion and propels the narrative of the cast’s leading ladies with perfectly placed gems, neon-washed eyebrows, reflective stickers, and more. Coming to think of it, life would be so much more fun if we were able to wear these looks to work, you know?
Davy manages to visually communicate the character's emotional state of mind through her designs—glitter tears and cherry popsicle lids, gold foiled eyebrows, and white cloud eyeliner—inspiring thousands across the globe to recreate her award-winning artistry. And while you may need a special occasion to wear some of these looks (or not?), we’ve compiled iconic beauty moments the cast rocked throughout season 1, along with a few standouts from season 2, to bookmark as inspiration.