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DIY At-Home Masks For Every Hair Concern

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Your tresses need some serious TLC. So what do you do? Book another expensive salon appointment? Actually, you don’t need to. Sometimes the best hair treatments can be found in your kitchen.

Here’s how to make hair masks at home for different concerns:

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1. Shine, Shine Baby

The two key ingredients for strong, shiny hair are protein and moisture. So, get the sizzle back in your strands with this pumped up tress booster. Heat 2 tablespoons of Kama Ayurveda Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil for 30 seconds. Stir in 2 egg whites and apply the mixture to damp hair, massaging it into your roots. Leave on for 15 minutes and then shampoo. Apply this once a week and say hola to shiny strands!

2. Thicker Hair 101

Thinning strands can be such a dampener, so here’s a never-fail DIY mask. Pumpkin is choc-a-bloc with Potassium and Vitamin A that promote hair regrowth. In a food processor or blender, puree 2 cups of Pumpkin with one tablespoon of Yogurt.  Next, add one tablespoons of Organic India Coconut Oil to one tablespoon of Honey and apply to damp hair.  Cover strands with a plastic cap and let it sit for 15 minutes.  Wash out thoroughly with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Use this mask once a week.
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3. Greasy Hair, Time Out

Too much of heat protection sprays, mousse, gel and hard water can cause product build-up on strands, leaving them lanky and lifeless. The Alpha Hydroxy Acids in Apple Cider Vinegar dissolve these deposits. Mix 1/4 cup of Healthvit Apple Cider Vinegar to one cup of water. Apply the mixture to your hair after conditioning. Rinse thoroughly.

4. Back Off, Dry Hair

You need a super moisturizing, deep conditioning hair pack to quench parched follicles. Mix equal quantities of Tjori 100% Pure Jojoba Oil, Juicy Chemistry Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil, Forest Essentials Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil, Nyassa Argan Oil, and Soulflower Coldpressed Olive Carrier Oil and smooth it over your hair from root to tip. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing.
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5. Curl Power

Get the spring back into your curls with this hair mask. Mash a ripe Banana and add in 2 tablespoons of Yogurt and Honey each, along with 2 drops of Hedonista Argan Hair Oil. Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste and work the mixture through your scalp and the length of your hair. Cover strands with a shower cap and leave on for 45 minutes. Use a mild shampoo to rinse away and repeat every fortnight.

6. No More Hairfall Nightmares

Eggs are a rich source of proteins and vitamins that help strengthen hair follicles while Green Tea is an excellent antioxidant and growth stimulant. Whip one egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of brewed Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Classic till frothy. Apply the mask evenly all over your scalp and smear the remaining mixture over the length of your hair. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Use this mask at least thrice a week to stop hair breakage.
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