As days pass, there soon comes a moment when you ask yourself, ‘Am I aging too fast?’ ‘When did the laugh lines turn into nightmarish wrinkles?’ If you ever wondered that, then join the club!
Aging is no longer a post 40 problem. Since women have started juggling between work and house, our stress levels have increased manifold. We want the best of both worlds, so we push ourselves to every possible limit. Of course, it enables us to reap sweet fruits of success, but that takes a bigger toll on our health. Our degrading health starts reflecting on our face in the form of premature aging skin with wrinkles, ridges, and side-lines. In order to fight this problem, we first need to understand the science behind wrinkles.
What Are Wrinkles?
Scientifically called rhytides, wrinkles are any crease or fold on the skin. They occur as we grow old, but nowadays they can appear in young age too. Along with aging, there are many other causes of wrinkle under the eye or on the face, such as sleep deprivation, smoking, pollution, dehydration, and even some medication. Knowing what wrinkles are is the first step in our fight against them.
What Are The Causes Of Wrinkles?
Wrinkles are a combined result of external and internal factors. The internal wrinkle-causing factors are free radicals. With age, free radicals overpower enzymes that are responsible for healing and repair of the skin, causing wrinkles!
Sadly, aging starts early because free radicals are also formed by stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, exposure to pollution, irregular diet, and sleep deprivation. Combined or individual, all of them speed up the aging process of your body by forming more free radicals.
There is one more player in the formation of wrinkles- UV rays. Collagen provides firmness to the skin, whereas elastin maintains its flexibility. Extended exposure to UV light breaks down these two important fibers of the skin – collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Wrinkles?
Wrinkles or rhytides appear as thin lines or creases on different body parts such as the face, forehead, and area around the eyes. The signs of wrinkles on the face can be more obvious than other parts of the body because it comes in direct contact with UV light. Furthermore, every day, we use a lot of facial muscles, and thus healing enzymes are constantly overworked. Hence, the piled-up free radicals slow down their function and lead to the formation of ridges and creases. An effective anti-aging skincare regime is the only way to stop them.
Clinical Treatment For Wrinkle Removal:
When we think of wrinkle treatment, we immediately start calculating its probable cost. Moreover, the word ‘Botox’ pops on the list while talking about aging skin treatments. Considered either expensive or painful, it’s a myth that wrinkle removal treatments aren’t for the common women. There are several of them that you can get even when you are broke.
- Cost in India: From Rs. 1500 to Rs. 5000 per session
- What Is Laser Resurfacing?
- How Does Laser Resurfacing Work?
- Ablative Laser Resurfacing: High power laser removes the topmost wrinkled layer of skin.
- Fractionated Laser Resurfacing: Tiny beams of light penetrate into the deep layers of skin by breaking damaged skin cell, and thereby stimulating collagen production.
- Non-Abrasive Laser Resurfacing: Infrared rays heating heat the inner layers of cells to promote the formation of collagen and new cells.
- Does It Pain?
It is an anti-aging treatment that involves the use of lasers to make skin smooth and tight by removing the upper damaged layers.
There are three types of laser used in resurfacing, and they work as follows,
That depends on how deep the laser penetrates. Dermatologists often apply anesthesia on parts to be treated.

- Cost In India: From Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2500 per session
- What Is Microdermabrasion?
- How Does Microdermabrasion Work?
It is like refining the texture of skin by literally scraping away dry skin, bumps, and sun-damage spots. This anti-aging treatment is recommended by many dermatologists across the globe.
This is like scrubbing, where a wand-like device with an exfoliator at the end is used to remove and then vacuum the dead skin cells.
- Does It Pain?.
It is one of the least painful wrinkle treatments.
- Cost In India: Rs. 25,000 per injection
- What Is Wrinkle Filler?
- How Do Fillers Work?
The skin loses collagen with age and results in empty pockets below its surface. As collagen is responsible for tightening the skin, its absence leads to saggy skin. Cosmetic fillers fill these empty pockets via injection and make the skin plump again.
Once injected, the fillers work like collagen and lift that area. The effect of such injections lasts from six months to a year.
- Does It Pain?
It may cause some amount of pain.

- Cost In India: From Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3000 as per the type of peel
- What Is Chemical Peeling?
- How Does Chemical Peeling Work?
This process involves the removal of the upper layer of the skin with the help of chemicals. The peel is an effective face wrinkle treatment as it removes major signs of aging like spots, scars, and even wrinkles.
A chemical solution made of hydroxyl acids, phenol, and other related chemicals is applied to the face from a few minutes to several hours. The chemicals react with skin and start peeling off wrinkled skin after about seven days of the application.
- Does It Pain?.
Yes, chemical anti-aging facial treatment may sting or burn during the application
- Cost In India: From Rs. 1000 to Rs. 18,000 depending on the area
- What Is Botox?
- How Do Botox Injections Work?
It is the abbreviated form of Botulinum Toxin that is injected to remove frown lines and crow’s feet. It is one of the most popular wrinkle treatment among celebrities.
The wrinkles around the eyes or on the forehead are due to contraction of a muscle in that area. The Botox Injection temporarily blocks these contractions and thus stop wrinkles from appearing. The result of Botox Injection for under eye wrinkle treatment lasts up to four months.
- Does It Pain?
Yes, sometimes it can be painful.

If you feel like wrinkle treatments are not for you, and you want something that helps you internally to improve your skin, then skin supplements are your answer. There are different types of anti-aging capsules, supplements, and medicines for wrinkles available that can help you to get rid of your wrinkles by providing necessary nutrients.
Nykaa Recommends: INLIFE Seabuckthorn Seed Oil, 500mg, 30 Veg Caps, Anti Aging Omega 7 Supplement
FAQ Related To Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
1. What is the best non-surgical anti-wrinkle treatment?
Well, that depends on what you prefer. You can choose from the different types of non-surgical wrinkles treatments like chemical peel or microdermabrasion. However, since everyone’s skin reacts differently to a treatment, you should consult a dermatologist to find out what suits you best. Having said that, you can always use anti-aging skin care products for healthy skin.
2. What is the best anti-aging vitamin for skin?
Vitamin D, C, E, and K are the magic elements that make your skin perfectly healthy. Out of them, Vitamin C and Vitamin E act as antioxidants which prevents the formation of free radicals, thereby boosting the repair of damaged skin. Moreover, Vitamin C is a component of many anti-aging products as it also promotes collagen formation. So, it can be said that Vitamin C is a wonder-vitamin for skin that stops many signs of aging, such as lines under eye or wrinkles.
3. Does taking collagen help in preventing wrinkles?
Yes, collagen is a boon for your skin. In recent years, collagen has gained popularity because of its incredible potential to improve skin health. Collagen slows down the aging of your skin by reducing dryness and wrinkles. It also promotes the growth of other proteins that help keep your skin looking healthy.
Nykaa Recommends: GNC Collagen Beauty Builder Tablets
4. Is homeopathic medicine for face wrinkles effective?
Unlike other medicines, homeopathy takes time to show results since they work on the root of the problem instead of only the symptoms. However, if you start with homeopathy as soon as you notice early signs of aging, it might just be the ideal anti-wrinkle treatment for you.
5. What is anti-aging cream?
Anti-aging skincare creams are infused with agents that reverse the damage caused by free radicals and heal the skin. Many ingredients are known to stop, slow down, or reverse the signs of aging. Anti-aging creams or anti-wrinkle creams are formulated by using such substances that are suitable for different types of skin or different skin concerns.
6. What are crow’s feet?
The trident shaped ridges that form at the edge of your eye with age are called crow’s feet.
7. What is the right age to start using anti-aging cream?
They say precaution is always better than cure. Using them as early as you can is always better than using anti-wrinkle creams after noticing frown lines or crow’s feet on the face.