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Best Hair Oils

Confession time. I have one major problem with adulting. I mean, apart from the usual ‘be responsible’ and ‘act mature’ stuff, why do we grow out of good, childhood habits? Take those nostalgic champis for instance. When was the last time you sat down with a bowl of hot hair oil and massaged all that stress away? Apart from increasing blood circulation and promoting overall hair growth, a champi brings back fond memories of our lovingly nagging moms and their rather oily beauty weapons.

Time to go back in time and revive liquid elixirs and the long-lost beauty tradition surrounding them. Listed below are ten miraculous haircare oil potions rich in India’s Ayurvedic culture. Oil. Wash. Repeat.

Top 10 Champi Champions, aka Best Hair Oils For You!

1. Outstanding Olive

If you didn’t know that Olive oil directly translates to deep nourishment for your locks, here’s your wakeup call. The good part is that this power-packed olive oil for hair does exactly that. The Aroma Magic Olive Oil boasts an exquisite blend of cold-pressed Olive oil and Vitamin E that prevents premature greying of hair. Go on, massage your way to happy hair.

Olive Oil For Hair

2. Tulsi Treatment

Itchy scalp woes? This one’s for you. Holy Basil or Tulsi, as it’s called in Indian households, keeps a distressed scalp cool and reduces any signs of itchiness or redness. Our Tulsi superstar is the Khadi Natural Tulsi Herbal Hair Oil. Apart from keeping dandruff at bay, this humble hair beaut encourages hair growth. Some TLC, madame?

Ayurvedic Hair Oil

3. Amla Attack

One of the best natural superfoods for a receding hairline is Amla or the Indian gooseberry. This interestingly-flavored fruit contains oodles of essential Fatty Acids that strengthen hair follicles, hence preventing excess hair fall. Our Amla bet, the Biotique Bio Therapeutic Oil For Falling Hair aims at treating alopecia.

Healthy Hair Oil

4. Coconut Care

Dehydrated locks getting the better of you? Chances are that you’ve not given Coconut a fair chance yet. Not only does Parachute Advansed Deep Conditioning Hot Oil provide much-needed hydration to parched tresses, but it also penetrates three surface layers of your scalp in just 20 minutes. Deeply-nourished, manageable hair from the first use.

Hair Care Oil

5. Brahmi Brilliance

No morning is a good morning ’cause the wretched sight of that damn hair-strewn pillow is way too depressing. If you’re losing hair at a rate that’s faster than its replenishment rate, here’s your cue to put take the Brahmi test. In fact, the VLCC Hair Fall Repair Oil is a powerful concoction of Brahmi and Amla extracts. Time to break up with hair breakage problems.

Ayurvedic Hair Oil - Brahmi

6. Nutritious Neem

Our sympathies if the stereotypical ad of an anti-dandruff shampoo is your unfortunate #TrueStory. But you know what, fighting back dandruff isn’t much of a task when Neem’s got your back. Our neem-tastic hero has got to be the Kama Ayurveda Organic Neem Oil. Its antibacterial formula deep-cleanses the scalp even while eliminating dandruff, and even lice!

Which Oil Is Best For Hair - Neem

7. Blessed Bhringraj

No points for guessing why Bhringraj oil is also termed as Keshraj, which directly translates to ‘King of Hair’. The hero of all Ayurvedic hair oil formulas, Bringha has been vouched on for since centuries. In fact, the Indulekha Bringha Hair Oil is a forerunner of the herbal haircare game. Thirteen Ayurvedic ingredients, including Bringha, have been bottled rather smartly so that you don’t have to tediously time travel to that era.

Bhringraj Oil For Hair

8. Hardworking Hibiscus

The curse of the Frizz Gods making life incredibly tough? Got only scrunchies and hair clips for help? We bet you’re still unaware of the frizz-taming powers of Hibiscus leaves. Guess what, the Forest Essentials Ayurvedic Herb Enriched Head Massage Oil - Bhringraj has exceeded our expectations tremendously. Hibiscus and Japapatti leaf inclusions are infused with rich Coconut milk, so that you can kiss goodbye to pricey-but-useless hair serums.

Healthy Hair Oil - Hibiscus

9. Talented Tea Tree

You won’t find a single case of a healthy mane with an unhealthy scalp, and rightly so. Time to go back to the roots, both literally and metaphorically. Ah, the wonders of Tea Tree oil. One of the best hair oils, this exemplary elixir unclogs hair follicles, removes product build-up, and increases the oxygen supply to the roots. We place our bets on the Himalaya Herbals Anti-Dandruff Hair Oil which also bottles the conditioning qualities of Rosemary oil. Two-in-one!

Best Hair Oil – Tea Tree

10. Amazing Almond

The reconstructive properties of Almond oil have made it big in tress town and we’re not surprised. If heat-styling tools and chemical treatments have done more bad than good for you, you shouldn’t wait for another day to pamper your damaged locks with the goodness of Bajaj Almond Drops Hair Oil. Infused with Vitamin E and Omega Fatty Acid, this lightweight healthy hair oil puts a rightful end to split ends and restores the lost shine and lustre.

Ayurvedic Hair Oil – Almond Oil
To read more about the best hair growth oils available. Check out:
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